The IRJPMS is peered review open access bi-monthly online journal with an initiative to provide the international platform for quality research papers. There are no fees of article processing and publication of paper, but the authors are required to pay a nominal publication fee for meeting expenses on manuscript handling, website maintenance, typing, web-hosting charges, up-loading charges, administrative expenses, and other recurring expenses for all accepted papers and hence non-refundable.
Indian Authors: 1650 /-INR
Foreign Authors: 40 /-USD
Publication E-Certificate: Free of cost for all Author
Payment Guidelines
The manuscripts, if accepted or rejected, will be communicated by emails to the respective corresponding authors along with payment procedure. The publication fee must be paid within 5 days of receiving the acceptance letter. The scanned copy of the payment receipt must be send to the editor (
Different ways of depositing fees
There are following different ways of depositing fees for the publication of accepted papers.
By depositing fees in near bank branch: With the acceptance letter, author receives the account information. Anyone can deposit fees directly by going nearby bank branch.
By online net banking: Author can also use this way for depositing fees in the given account in acceptance letter by activating their net banking option.
Paypal: This is another alternate way for the foreign authors to depositing fees. You can depositing fees by credit card/debit card/visa card/master card.
Online payment gateway
Indian Authors can deposit publication charges by credit card/debit card/visa card/master card using PayU Money Gateway.
Foreign Authors can deposit publication charges by credit card/debit card/visa card/master card using Paypal (Buy Now) Gateway.
Foreign Authors can also deposit publication charges by credit card/debit card/visa card/master card using Stripe Gateway.
- All the service or transaction charges will have to be paid by the authors only which include inter banking charges and NEFT charges for Indian authors, wire transfer charges etc. for Foreign authors.
- Every accepted processed paper will be uploaded within 3-5 days and digital Certificates will be provided without any extra charges and once accepted paper in our journal can’t be withdraw so we request you not to process your paper to any other journal unless our decision is not announced. This deeds may create problem to the author. If you wish to publish in other journal then we do not appreciate you to submit your paper to IRJPMS. Author is free to withdraw his/her paper at any time but before signing the copyright. There is no any force. After signing the copyright, paper can not withdraw at any condition. File addition, removal or modification are not allowed after an upload has been published. After publication, charges are not refundable.